Why does my goldfish have black spots?? please help!!? - goldfish, black spots, sick
I fear that my fish is sick, sick or normal? PLEASE HELP ME!
Why does my goldfish have black spots?? please help!!? - goldfish, black spots, sick
I fear that my fish is sick, sick or normal? PLEASE HELP ME!
Who is your Geens matchure thats some goldfish to collect points or to show their pefectly normal alfamaleisem
Coloring Lolipop Hello, provided that the fish do not show the appearance or unusual behavior, while almost not sure that's not natural and probably inevitable.
The black dots are raised in fish or jerk you were ill? If so, then it is bruising or shipping and handling costs of the poor in the store and the black is just healing wounds, such as blue, which will soon disappear. Another possibility is that these are caused by ammonia or other toxic combustion by the conditions of water scarcity and in this case a sign of healing, the show is, and get their water just the perfect conditions may exist with regular partial water changes, the diversion of the test parameters and ensure a speedy recovery.
The color option is of course that if the blacks seem to be its natural color and texture is the same color as the other [s] and do not occur in rags or peeling almost certain that only natural colors.
can change the color, or it may be something more serious
Heres a little about the disease "black spot"
http://www.petlibrary.com/goldfish/smudg ...
Heres another question NOW
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind ...
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